A curation of disco delights guaranteed to destruct any iso-induced desolation. 

Cabin Fever is well and truly setting in... so we're providing the perfect soundtrack to cure your claustrophobia. As a proud supporter of Support Actthis series is our platform to connect with our favourite artists and raise awareness for the artists, crew and music workers affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

Our third guests to the series will need little introduction to our crew... as far as back as we can remember the Yolanda Be Cool boys have been a part of the B.Cools family. We've shared half of our name as well as more than our fair share of shenanigans over the years... from tomfoolery on tap on the Burning Man playa to poolside mimosas in Miami, it's safe to say we're better together.

Much like an ancient bottle of sauvignon, Matt and Andy have only got sweeter and steezier over the years. So we thought 'twas about time they added some much need spice-olation to your stay home schedule.

Get their contribution cranking exclusively now via our SoundCloud - we caught up to see how the lads are coping in isolation below. They also just dropped their Music To Stay Home To playlist which has quickly become WFH essential listening for the crew. 


Well... we don't know about you guys, but this whole isolation thing hasn't really made us want to listen to anything too clubby. I guess not least of all simply because... well, we won't be going to them for a while. Add to that, a whole lot more cooking and generally just doing fun and creative stuff around the house; painting, yoga, reading. We wanted to do a mix that could more soundtrack that kinda activity rather than a night in a club.

The other side to the inspiration was to kind of to tell a story.... we could feel the despondency in some people when all this went down and wanted to make a mix that gave hope and promise. Because the truth is... this will all be over one day. Whether isolation lasts a couple of months, 6 months or even a year... there will be a time when we look back fondly on it and realise why it happened.

And maybe even wish we could have another go at a few weeks where we all had time to do a whole lot more reflecting and just appreciating. As the Wankelmut song says... "one day baby we'll be old..." so we may as well be grateful for now irrespective of how different it may be to what we expected. 

2) What's been happening in Yolanda's world? 

Matt: Well, to be honest... nothing too dissimilar to normal life. Some yoga, some meditation at the start of the day and then pretty much hit the studio for the rest of the day interspersed by some meals (home cooked of course).

Maybe take the dog for a walk... but then yeah, the no socialising bit and the no touring bit has definitely opened up some room for some painting (which I'd never thought to do before but I'm loving) and I've been watching Twin Peaks... can't believe I missed that first time round.

Andy: Yeah it's been super nice to be home with the fam and give my ears a break from loud music and late nights. It also made me realise that it's important to marry someone you like. Now with all the extra curricular bullshit in life being stripped back (like working, deadlines, school drop offs, airport dashes, hung over flights etc) you're now left with each others company and a lot of it. Fortunately enough for my household it has been a really great opportunity to just hang out read books, play games, climb trees, build bike jumps etc. Oh and of course spending as much time as I can in the studio.

3) What you guys missing the most? 

Matt: Definitely starting to miss just hanging with friends. Just hugging people, seems crazy to think we don't do that right now...

Andy: I was definitely missing going for late arvo swims on the hot days down at the beach.. but we're allowed to do that again now. So yeah stoked! I wouldn’t mind hitting the pub with the boys for a few beers and to let our mouths run a bit as well. 

4) 10 years since the iconic We Speak No Americano... when was the last time you guys dropped it in a set and what's your favourite memory with that track? 

Matt: Hmm... we still pull it out every now and then and the reality is, it always goes off. We probably should play it more haha. But the exciting thing is, we have some new mixes planned for it to celebrate the 10 years... and they're amazing, so hold tight.
Favourite memories... honestly, one of my favourite memories was before it became a hit and it was footage of our favourite DJs at the time.... basically the crew we aspired to be a part of ... Solo, Round Table Knights, Mowgli to name a few, it was footage of Round Table Knights playing it at a show...and we thought that was the best thing ever.

5) How are the lads keeping fresh? 

Matt: For me, I've worked out I'm definitely happier and more productive for the rest of the day If i start with some yoga and meditation. So that's definitely the starting point....oh, and have thrown Wim Hoff into the mix now and thoroughly enjoying that.

Also, just observing my dog. He is the absolute epitome of being in the moment, I could stare at him all day haha. My favourite podcast is The Vedic World View by Thom Knoles but I also enjoy Sam Harris which Andy got me onto. As well as the (very) occasional Joe Rogan.

I'm also reading You Are the Placebo by Joe Dispenza which I encourage everyone to read over this period!

Andy: I start the day meditating which is great, then do laps of the kitchen stopping at the fridge every lap until I go to the shop to buy ice- cream each night.  But someone just sent me the Chris Hemsworth training app, so might give that a go until the trial period finishes haha. Reckon I could look like him in 7 days?

6) Do we think the best is yet to come from this period? Perhaps some musical babies? 

Matt: I'm really hoping that everyone is using this time to reflect on their lives and really question why they do stuff and what is their motivation. Maybe out of that, people might see their goals in a different light andmaybe we don't need that new pair of shoes or car or what not. I guess as well, just really appreciating stuff like being able to embrace someone or go for for a swim..... the little things could become the big things. 

Musically, for sure there is going to be some amazing music coming out of this period. I mean, we just sent our manager 17 demos to go through haha. There's no way we could manage this if we were touring etc. 

Andy: I have always said you can have nothing but if you are in love you have everything… and I have often thought about this during the time of ISO..

There was a moment last weekend that I looked at my watch and thought… shit Matty and I are meant to be in Palm Springs right now playing at a Coachella pool party with Wax Motif and some other legends.

Then my son came up and stepped on my new sneakers with mud all over his feet and I was about to lose it but then though, hold on... how lucky am I to have a son as cute as he is to fuck up my shoes. If I was at Coachella as planned, Matty would have stepped on my shoes anyway and he weighs more than my son.

So yeah, I hope most  people realise how lucky they are and to be grateful for what they already have! And don’t sweat the little things.. as Matty often says to me: “Brother it's going to be all good in the end and if it's not all good, it's not the end." 


Cools is calling upon our all our music loving crew across the globe to support the industry appeal where possible. With your help, we'll be able to support our music workers through this difficult period and help them be in a position to bounce back louder and throw the biggest post-pandemic party of all time. You can do your bit by donating directly to the Support Act COVID19 Emergency Appeal below. 

